Installing minikube

In docker world to play around where have docker for mac and docker for windows in k8s we have minikube. Minikube will give a master and a node as a vm and then it will also give a container runtime

Now lets install minikube you can download it from here

before you install minikube make sure that the hyper-v is enabled in BIOS. Once you install mini kube these are the step to be

Get the version of the kubernetes

C:\WINDOWS\system32>kubectl version –client

Client Version: version.Info{Major:”1″, Minor:”10″, GitVersion:”v1.10.11″, GitCommit:”637c7e288581ee40ab4ca210618a89a555b6e7e9″, GitTreeState:”clean”, BuildDate:”2018-11-26T14:38:32Z”, GoVersion:”go1.9.3″, Compiler:”gc”, Platform:”windows/amd64″}

So at this point I have the minikube installed I have the kubenetes install

Now I need to start the minikube and to so that I am running the following command

I have used this link to start the minikube but it didn’t work and I found the problem

the problem was that the minikube didn’t started when the firewall was active to I stopeed the firewall started the minikube and then run the command

>kubectl get nodes

To get the nodes. This will get the nodes for the active context you can see all the context in .kube/config file that are available

Now what I want to see is where my kubectl is pointing so to see that I need to see the current context. The following command will show me the context

<kubectl config current-context

And then you can keep on playing with the minikube to try out K8s locally and see how it works on your dev environment.