Track how much time are you spending on different application

A few days back i got the idea of figuring our how much time was i spending on different application while working. So i made this small console application its not perfect but it can give you a head start. So i am using the following three classes there is no complex code but still i will try to explain it.
In this test app i am only five applications so the moment it collects the data for five applications it will exit but you can always extend it.
class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ActiveApplicationPropertyThread activeWorker = new ActiveApplicationPropertyThread();
            Thread activeThread = new Thread(activeWorker.StartThread );
            Dictionary<string, Double> temp;
                if (activeWorker.activeApplicationInfomationCollector._focusedApplication.Keys.Count  > 5)
                    temp = activeWorker.activeApplicationInfomationCollector._focusedApplication;

            foreach (var j in temp.Keys)
                Console.WriteLine(j + "         " + temp[j] / 1000);



This is the main thread that is monitoring the application and checking if thee application is started and if it is it will log it and start a time against it.
 public class ActiveApplicationPropertyThread
        private bool _stopThread = true;
        private string _appName = "Idle";
        static extern int GetForegroundWindow();
        private static extern UInt32 GetWindowThreadProcessId(Int32 hWnd, out Int32 lpdwProcessId);

        public ActiveApplicationInfomationCollector activeApplicationInfomationCollector;
        private string _justSentApplicationName = "";
        public ActiveApplicationPropertyThread()
            activeApplicationInfomationCollector = new ActiveApplicationInfomationCollector();

        public void StopThread()
            _stopThread = false;

        public void StartThread()

                if(_justSentApplicationName == "")
                    _justSentApplicationName = _appName;
                if(_justSentApplicationName != _appName )
                    _justSentApplicationName = _appName;

        public string AppInfo
            get { return _appName; }

        private Int32 GetWindowProcessID(Int32 hwnd)
            Int32 pid = 1;
            GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, out pid);
            return pid;

        private void ActiveAppName()
            Int32 hwnd = 0;
            hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
                _appName = Process.GetProcessById(GetWindowProcessID(hwnd)).MainModule.ModuleName;  
            }catch(Exception e)


This helper class is just collecting data for different application and adding the total time being used.
 public class ActiveApplicationInfomationCollector
        public DateTime _startTime;
        public Dictionary<string, Double> _focusedApplication;
        public ActiveApplicationInfomationCollector()
            _focusedApplication = new Dictionary<string, Double>();
        public void ApplicationFocusStart(string appName)
            _startTime = DateTime.Now;
            if(!_focusedApplication.ContainsKey(appName ))
                _focusedApplication.Add(appName, 0);

        public void ApplicationFocusEnd(string appName)
            //end the timer and update the seconds
            TimeSpan elapsed = DateTime.Now - _startTime;
            _focusedApplication[appName] = _focusedApplication[appName] + elapsed.TotalMilliseconds ;
